Maximising Public Engagement for More Impactful Business Research


Some Tips on Creating Research with More Impact

Universities are increasingly pressuring their faculty to have their research validated based on how it impacts society. This means that doing business research would mean putting more focus on distinct steps in order for it to come up with yields that will benefit society. This includes the creation and the publication of the findings of the research in Research Features Magazine, getting awareness of the findings, using these findings, and then finding out what are the potential benefits that society can get out of its implementation.

For researchers, this means that there is a need to get the production of knowledge nudged towards the direction where it is going to have greater relevance to society which includes the key elements in the processes involved in the research work through using an approach called the relational engagement.

To the people in the outside world, universities are often looked at as ivory towers. This means that academics are being removed from the various realities that are involved in everyday life. However, it is also a fact that business is not theory-based but an applied one. This has made business schools more concerned about getting real-world problems solved. This is why it is quite beneficial for both the industry as well as the local community to be able to provide experiences that can help those that are involved in the industry face possible problems that they are likely to encounter within.

It is hardly a surprise though, that at present, more university administrators are asking their researchers to follow the same approach when conducting their research work. This is meant to encourage the development of research that will have a better impact not only on business, but in society as well. It should also have a significant impact as both a human and financial capital towards doing the research.

Intellectual contributions are essential since they impact society through advancing the management of practice and knowledge as well as in addressing essential policy questions. What seems to be missing though is the mechanism that is supposed to help connect the dots between the corporate or managerial processes as well as those processes that are affecting the societal well-being and the competitiveness of any organisation.

There is a need for academic research that is focused on business to be aligned with the call for a work that is more impactful. This is why there needs to be a focus on specific processes that are expected to help produce the most benefit to society. This includes the creational and the publication of the findings of the research, the awareness caused by the findings, how the findings are used, and what its potential benefits are to the rest of society if it were to be successfully implemented.

Watch the video below to learn more.

With the pressure on for researchers to come up with work that does not only make an impact in the academia but to the rest of society as well, it is expected that more will be invested towards engaging the project more. Learn more about the importance of relational engagement in research by reading about Research Features Magazine online. You can also connect with Research Features Magazine on LinkedIn here.

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  1. These tips are very useful and informative as well. Thanks!
