Embrace Open Access and Win Chocolate Back


Traditional scholarly research platforms aren’t what they used to be. The time for open access is here and now, and it’s time that we accepted that. Here at Research Features, we have. We’ve seen the growing unrest within the scientific community and we’ve done something about it. Through our magazine and animations, we make research accessible for everyone, not just the few who can afford it.

Let’s set the scene. Imagine you’re in a shop buying a chocolate bar. You pick one up, take it to the counter and hand over your money to the cashier. But then, instead of the cashier handing the chocolate bar back to you, they snatch it away, demanding more money for you to open it and enjoy its chocolatey goodness.

Chocolate science

The world of scholarly research works in a similar way. Tax paying money funds a large percentage of scientific research and yet, for the general public who pump the money in the first place, their access remains restricted.

Instead, large for-profit publishers stick research behind a paywall – only accessible to scientists and those willing to pay the fee. We at Research Features believe the scholarly world should work differently and in a fairer way – for the many, not the few (sorry Labour).

Our magazine aims to tear down these paywalls and allow open access for everyone. The public has a growing interest in science but, with the growth of the internet and the rise of clickbait articles, this is not being suitably satiated.

Much more needs to be done to ensure science is represented in a way that is true and accurate, but also understandable. Here at Research Features, we aim to bridge that gap.

Inevitable movement

Open access is the direction scholarly research will move towards. It’s inevitable. So, for those people who find this movement ‘sketchy’ or ‘immoral’, this attitude stems only from ignorance and a pure disregard to the public’s interest in science.

It’s time for change, and it’s time for science to be accessible for everyone. This can only happen through a collaborative effort, but here at Research Features, we’re ready to lead that charge – and ensure that everyone, everywhere can enjoy that chocolatey goodness. 

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